Elevate to Success

What does ELEVATE mean? To lift up or make higher. I dare you today to start making progress towards your goals! However, little progress is far way better than no progress. Surround yourself around individuals who have a positive mindset and want to see you ELEVATE. Psalm 48:2 states ” Beautiful for elevation, a joy of all the land, is Mount Zion. The sides of the north, the city of a great King.

Moreso, being elevated to the next chapter in your lovely life requires being humble and having a great attitude. 1 Peter 5:6-7 states ” Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. Casting all your cares upon him; for he careth for you.” God LOVES us more than the human brain can fathom!

Elevate yourself to more happiness, more peace, more joy, and more love. Because you deserve it. Keep Smiling, you will make it through. Click here to check this out.

{ Count it all JOY in Jesus name!}

Much Success,

Nishia 💛

Inspirational Bible Verses! Food for your Beautiful Soul.

Let’s Inspire each other together!

Inspirational Bible Verses to Empower you on your Christian Journey. 🙏

  1. Lamentations 3:22-23
  2. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
  3. Ephesians 3:20
  4. John 15:13
  5. Deuteronomy 31:6
  6. Psalm 27:12
  7. Romans 8:31
  8. Romans 15:13
  9. Psalm 31:24
  10. Isaiah 41:10
  11. Mark 10:27
  12. 1 Peter 5:7
  13. Matthew 19:26
  14. Philippians 4:13
  15. Jeremiah 29:11
  16. Psalm 34:8
  17. Romans 8:28

Bravery is the audacity to be unhindered by failures, and to walk with freedom, strength, and hope, in the face of things unknown. ~ Morgan Harper Nichols

Finding Favor With God


(Psalm 30:5)For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime weeping may tarry for the night but, joy comes with the morning.”

Isaiah 58:11 states: “The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose water never fails.

There are several things we can do to begin seeking our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ favor.

BE RIGHTEOUS: Being righteous is a golden key to finding favor. (Matthew 6:33) states, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” Righteousness is one of the vital attributes of God as portrayed in the Bible. Righteousness is a God-centered attribute: no man can attain it through his own efforts apart from His ordinance. We, humans, are inclined to follow our own paths and use our own ways, instead of God’s. (Notice that this selfish desire for independence from God is in our nature, we need nobody to teach us that, but we always need the discipline to remain faithful in the path of God). In comparison to God’s righteousness, our righteous deeds are “nothing but filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6).

HUMBLE YOURSELF: Jesus Christ set the conclusive example of humility by submitting himself to life on earth and then died on the cross on behalf of sinners. (2 Chronicles 7:14) states, “And my people who are called by my name will humble themselves pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sins and will heal their land.”

Abraham received God’s Favor because he was chosen by God, blessed by God, and favored by God according to Genesis 12. That supernatural favor showed up on many occasions in Abraham’s life from the time God told him to get out of his country. Abraham obeyed God and God showed him favor.

LOVE GOD WHOLEHEARTEDLY: (Mark 12:30) states, “And you shall love the Lord your God from your whole heart, soul, mind, and from your whole strength.” Love God with all of your heart! Without loving him, we can’t expect to gain his powerful favor. Furthermore, we were made to comprehend the love God has for us. He wants us to feel the amazing love he feels towards each and every one of us on a daily basis.

God made us to love us and it only makes sense that we try to serve our purpose that he has given us.

BE FAITHFUL: Noah found favor with God due to his faithfulness. He walked faithfully with God and that led to favor. The faithfulness of God is a foundation to our faith. However, if we can’t trust what he says in his word, we have no reason to believe. For the most part, if he doesn’t keep his word then our salvation is unsteady and our hope is hopeless.

Consequently, God does fulfill his promises, and our faith should be purposeful and our destiny will be eternal through him.

HATE WHAT GOD HATES: (Romans 12:9) states, “Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.” According to (Proverbs 6: 16-19) “There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: 1. Haughty eyes. 2. A lying tongue. 3. Hands that shed innocent blood. 4. A heart that devises wicked schemes. 5. Feet that are quick to rush into evil. 6. A false witness who pours out lies. 7. And a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

Subsequently, it is very imperative that we obey God’s will, seek him, and cleanse ourselves from unrighteous behavior. The more we fear and reverence the holiness of God, the more we grasp our own flaws and defilement. Moreso, this causes us to dislike the evil that we find within ourselves.

HAVE WISDOM: Wisdom is a key to favor! (Proverbs 2:6) states, “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”

I perceive wisdom as the ability to make the best decisions or select the best course of action according to the current situation at hand with respect to prior situations and outcomes. To obtain wisdom one must have pure confidence, knowledge, and a discerning spirit. Wisdom is what life and its experiences teach us. Being wise is not the same as being intelligent.

It is about much more than just the skills and mastery of a subject. In fact, wisdom is about human virtues, that make us different from other animal species. These virtues are developing empathy, having compassion and kindness, becoming more self-aware of our thoughts, emotions, and feelings.

Finding Favor with God is one of the most AMAZING things that you can do!


Nishia 💓

Finding Favor with God
Finding Favor with God


(Ephesians 4:23 AMP) ” Be continually renewed in the spirit of your mind (having a fresh, untarnished mental and spiritual attitude”)

Renewing your mind requires faith, and faith is acting on the Word of God. It is a process of shedding the old outer covering and putting on the new. (Romans 12:2 KJV) instructs us to, ” Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” In order to experience true life transformation, you must renew your mind with God’s word.

How do you Renew Your Mind?

I came up with 7 ways to Renew Your Mind:

1. SPEAK TRUTH TO YOUR MIND AND ALLOW HOPE- The words you say, and the words you think have incredible power. Given that your behavior begins in your mind. However, your mind is where spiritual transformation happens, is it any surprise that the adversary (the devil) wants to mess with your thinking? The adversary wants to distract and disarm Christians. Therefore, so we are not able to fulfill God’s purpose in our lovely lives.

2. PRAYER– Meditate on God’s word daily 2 Corinthians 5:17 says “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away, behold, the new has come.” In what ways do your thoughts or life not line up with the truth of 2 Corinthians 5:17? In what ways do you see yourself as anything but a new creation? In what ways do you identify with your SIN rather than the freedom afforded you by the blood of JESUS? Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and allow him to see yourself just as he does!

3. REST IN THE TRUTH THAT YOU ARE ACCEPTED IN JESUS CHRIST- Pray and fast and ask God to protect your mind, help you to recognize the enemy, and work to keep your mind focus on God and what matters important in your life.

4. STOP BELIEVING THAT YOU CAN’T CONTROL YOUR THOUGHTS- It is very clear that you are expected by God to choose your thoughts, not let your thoughts always be chosen by something else; especially negative thoughts. How do you do this? It is true that we get attacked in our minds because our minds are a battlefield, not a playground. As a Christian begins to connect his spirit with the Holy Spirit, his spirit begins to get a lot stronger. Therefore, when the spirit is weak, the mind runs errands for the flesh by thinking negative thoughts. Nevertheless, when we constantly build our spirit by communion with God, our mind comes under the influence of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit who lives BRIGHT in us! We are left with the choice to think about God’s things or let the mind go with the flow of life.

5. EXPECT MIRACULOUS POWER- Expecting something awesome to happen is a choice. It is an act of faith. A person with a renewed mind has very positive expectations in their mind. Replace negative imaginations with God’s awesome promises for your life.

6. CONFESS WHAT YOU TRULY BELIEVE, NOT WHAT YOU FEEL- We possess what we confess. We possess salvation by confessing Jesus as Lord of our lives. We possess God’s promises by confessing them with our mouths. When you confess only what you see and feel, you are hurting your faith and not helping negative thoughts leave your mind. When God saw the world in darkness, void, and without form, he did not use his words to describe the situation. Instead, he used the power of His word to change the situation. Don’t use your mouth like a thermometer, which only reads the temperature of your current condition, allow God’s AMAZING word to turn your mouth into a thermostat, which changes the temperature of your life by confessing what God says.

It’s very POWERFUL when evil thoughts attack your mind to open your mouth and speak in tune with God’s Word, not your feelings or current circumstances. Joel 3:10 states “Let the weak say, “I am strong.” Please do not speak what you feel all the time. Otherwise, your mind can’t change. Learn to speak God’s word instead.

7. CELEBRATE THE PROCESS – Mind over matter is really about having God’s mind over every matter. It is seeing things from God’s perspective, trusting him, loving him, as you experience His loving grace, and favor. His love for you is more POWERFUL, and EVERLASTING thank life matters. When life overwhelms you, find God’s promise for you in his word. This is how you receive his mind. Mind over matter is more than walking in human wisdom. It’s walking in the wisdom of God.

As you trust God, you will experience his peace, joy, and his strength. Also, you will discover being more focused and having wonderful success in your life. Celebrate the process with God!


  • You are AMAZING
  • You can do ANYTHING
  • Positivity is a CHOICE
  • Celebrate YOU
  • You are prepared to SUCCEED





Psalm 139:14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Loving and believing in yourself is the key to thriving abundantly! When you truly love yourself unconditionally your mindset shifts to the energy of abundance and love. Therefore, it enables you to have more peace, happiness, confidence, which empowers you. When you feel powerful, your attitude changes from pessimism to optimism, and you will attract more uplifting people and experiences in your life.

On the other hand, to have self-love, appreciate who you really are. You are an amazing spiritual being within. However, your true essence is that of pure, positive energy, light, and love! Also, you are of infinite worth. It is your divine birthright to live a peaceful, joyful, life filled with prosperity, happiness, love, and peace. If you struggle with loving yourself, it’s most likely because you judge yourself for mistakes made or because you don’t feel valued or validated due to childhood experiences, etc.

Fortunately, you can change those memories by forgiving and forgetting. Forgive yourself and others in order to “Let Go” of what bothers you. Although it doesn’t matter what your past was, what matters is where you are going. Make peace with your life. Shift your perception of the memories that trouble you by creating “New Memories” that have happy endings. Doing so will lighten your beautiful heart and bring peace to your mind.

Conversely, we all are really special, we all have something very unique to offer. Remind yourself that you are special, blessed, and fortunate because you are loved, loving, and loveable just because you were born and exist. Fully embrace the essence of how important you are, identify with yourself fully. You will be amazed at the well-being happiness, and peace that loving yourself will bring to you.

In contrast, continue to love yourself, love your life, and love your world. Although, self-love is accepting being true to oneself and it’s definitely not being egoistic in any form. Self-love is also staying focused on improving your life and realizing what is your calling here on earth. We are call called to do awesome things! God gave each of us a unique voice. Our voice matches our personality and it matches our destiny and calling. The other voices in the world want your attention. They want you to ignore your voice and listen to theirs.

God wants it to be the other way around. He wants you to silence the other voices of influence, so you can listen to him, and him alone. Once you have heard his loving voice, start listening to the voices of pain, hurt, loneliness, hopelessness, around you. His voice can bring so much peace, and truth to them. Choosing to listen to him is a priority that we constantly need to remind ourselves that he is our Father, the Prince of Peace who leads us in the right direction.

As a result, we need to dim the noise to listen to the Father who loves us DEARLY!

Merry Christmas from my family to yours,

Nishia 🎄❤

“be inspired”

“Do Great Things”

Hello LOVELY souls!😊

What INSPIRES you on a daily basis? Will it be your family, associates, friends, your church, strangers, acquaintances, a mentor, etc.? Whoever, inspires you what kind of empowerment did it give you?

Did the empowerment give you joy, hope, peace, love, and or encouragement? However, if it did please see the list below for some Golden Inspiration.

HOPE -To have hope is to want an outcome that makes your wonderful life better in some way. Hope is associated with many positive outcomes, including greater happiness, greater joy, greater peace, greater love, and to become a better version of who you are.

PEACE – A peace of mind is a great way to reduce the stresses of day to day life and can help you to become a calmer, more relaxed awesome individual overall. Everyone achieves peace of mind differently, it’s about finding what works for you and the techniques you respond to best.

LOVE – Essentially, love is the greatest of all! 1 Corinthians 16:14 states “Let all that you do be done in love.” Importantly, love is divine energy. If you really love someone let your actions show it. In these trying times with COVID19 going on, we all should show love to everyone. For this reason, showing love will make a big difference in someone’s life. Because you never know what someone is going through. Whereas, we should lift each other spirits and inspire each other.

ENCOURAGEMENT – Encouraging others are often acts of kindness that have more meaning than we realize. Encouraging others, and yourself sets a very special tone about the energy that you are given to someone and it shows the beauty of your soul. Words of encouragement can help you think straight and get back on your feet. BE ENCOURAGED, and BE INSPIRED!

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail” ~Nelson Mandela

JOY – Joy is the feeling of happiness you get when you’re doing what you love. It is also the sight of your favorite people & snuggling up with your pets to watch a movie. Joy is the thrill you get when you take a risk and it all pays off. Nevertheless, joy is different for everyone, but; it happens all the time, in both small and large ways. Romans: 15:13 ” May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”

“Run like there is PURPOSE in your life”

Stay Inspired,

Nishia ❤


All the best to everyone this Holiday Season!


I hope you and your loved ones have a nice and warm holiday season! However, this is the most wonderful time of the year. (Christmas time.) Christmas time is my favorite Holiday. Is it yours as well? If not, what is your favorite Holiday? Is it Thanksgiving, Labor Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, etc? Why is Christmas my favorite Holiday? The joys of the season bring out generosity in just about everyone which helps spread happiness throughout the holiday season.

Also, I love spending time with my family and seeing my children and all the children in my family opening their gifts with pure JOY in their beautiful eyes. Nevertheless, Christmas is a time where people come together despite their differences and who they are. Furthermore, I also love all the gorgeous decorations, trees, the sweet-smelling aroma of the dishes that are being prepared, and the beautiful lights that make me feel joyous! In contrast, I also adore and love the act of kindness that people show to others.

For example, visiting a homeless shelter to donate blankets, coats, gloves, hats, or socks. Wherefore, each item keeps someone warm and can help them survive those awfully cold nights. Consequently, I came up with 7 ways to give back to the community this Christmas.

“Seven ways to give back to the community this Christmas

  1. Lend a helping hand. With the added economic burden of the pandemic, a lot of people are in need this holiday season. This will be an awesome time to help someone.
  2. Thank the Emergency Services. Remember, not everyone gets Christmas day off with family and friends. So, show your appreciation by buying a gift, show them that you care, and too always thank them for their good deeds, etc. Bring Christmas to those that are keeping us safe this Christmas.
  3. Have a safe holiday food drive. Moreso, this time of year money can be very hard to come by due to the fact that (2020) has been a very drastic year. You can collect food (can goods) or any food item of your choice.
  4. Express your gratitude. Creating a family/friends gratitude journal is an excellent way to have meaningful conversations to reconnect during the holiday season.
  5. Make a phone call and inspire someone. Do you know anyone that has lost someone close to them this year? A letter, a phone call, or a drive-by visit to let the grieving know that you are praying for them, and thinking about them as well. This wonderful act of kindness will really help make a huge difference in their life.
  6. Help the Homeless. Imagine a Christmas with no loved ones, no food, no home to go to. Christmas time for the homeless can be a very painful time. Why not remind them that they are not forgotten, by delivering and making lovely Christmas stockings. Fill your gift with happy Christmas treats. By doing this wonderful duty will make a difference for the homeless. Fortunately, doing this will also put a bright smile on their faces.
  7. Volunteer. Volunteering this Christmas with extreme caution will be greatly appreciated, by giving your time to help somebody in need shows a lot about who you are as a person.

In conclusion, during the most beautiful and greatest time of the year, let us all stay prayerful, showing love, and support for one another.

Happy Holidays,


Philippians 4:13

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”

Have you ever been so inspired by a goal, a vision, a miraculous prayer, or something that you were believing God to conquer in your loving life? If you have, however, how did it make you feel? I’m hoping that you were feeling inspired, peaceful, and full of Charisma! Charisma means attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others. Also, Charisma can be defined as a blessing.

By being inspired where did it lead your UNIQUE mind too? Therefore, I’m hoping that it leads to happiness, blessings, being humble, excited, very amused, and truly amazed, and full of pure joy! *NOTE* (Remember in all things “Count it all joy.”)

As Christmas time approaching soon. Let’s all be very thankful, merry, full of LOVE, and be inspired by the Prince of Peace which is Jesus Christ our Savior, family, and friends. However, we all know that this year (2020) has been an extremely difficult year for all of us.

Moreso, let’s join together each day and inspire one another. I came up with 7 Inspirational Traits that will enhance your growth and inspire you.

  1. Decide to make one change in yourself that will make you a better person.
  2. Take food to a neighbor.
  3. Volunteer for an hour at an organization of your choice.
  4. Ask a loved one about their day.
  5. Meditate daily.
  6. Help someone in need.
  7. When you’re out buying food, purchase an extra item to donate to a food pantry or to a homeless person.

In edition to the 7 Inspirational Traits. Be so HAPPY that when other’s look at you they become HAPPY!

Happy Holiday’s from my family to yours,


Hello, and welcome to my first blog post. I Love to Inspire Others. So, let the journey begin:

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think

I’m here to motivate and inspire you to let you know that if you are having a negative mindset change it to a positive mindset by TRUSTING in God, having FAITH in yourself, and becoming a better version of yourself by focusing on being HAPPY. Always remember HAPPINESS starts with you.

We all have had bad things happen to us in our lives, that have caused us PAIN. No one likes pain.

However, through my pain, I had to learn how to embrace it. Seemingly, my grandfather’s death this year June 2020, and minor setbacks, put me in a gloomy place that caused me a lot of pain.

Therefore, to be very transparent and honest with you the pain ENCOURAGED me to start my blog. I had a talk with God and myself and I stated that I want to be a happier person in my life. And that I couldn’t allow life situations to hold me back from living and being happy also by being the best version of myself.

Nevertheless, I have spent so much quiet time praying and seeking God and using my ten principles of becoming a happier person. Each one was a UNIQUE gift to me because I did each one and still do it to this day. From PAIN to PURPOSE I am a very, very happier person and you can be too. Fortunately, this is why I can INSPIRE you to become a better version of yourself by being HAPPY! Click here to check this out.



Hello world!

Smile, seek happiness and go be great!

  1. Love Yourself
  2. Go outside your comfort zones
  3. Exercise
  4. Spend more time with Family/Friends
  5. Help Others
  6. Practice Smiling: Reduce Pain, Improve Mood, Think Positive
  7. Plan A Trip
  8. Meditate: Rewire Your Brain For Happiness
  9. Practice Gratitude: Increase Happiness & Satisfaction
  10. Setting Goals

Click here to check this out!