Psalm 139:14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Loving and believing in yourself is the key to thriving abundantly! When you truly love yourself unconditionally your mindset shifts to the energy of abundance and love. Therefore, it enables you to have more peace, happiness, confidence, which empowers you. When you feel powerful, your attitude changes from pessimism to optimism, and you will attract more uplifting people and experiences in your life.

On the other hand, to have self-love, appreciate who you really are. You are an amazing spiritual being within. However, your true essence is that of pure, positive energy, light, and love! Also, you are of infinite worth. It is your divine birthright to live a peaceful, joyful, life filled with prosperity, happiness, love, and peace. If you struggle with loving yourself, it’s most likely because you judge yourself for mistakes made or because you don’t feel valued or validated due to childhood experiences, etc.

Fortunately, you can change those memories by forgiving and forgetting. Forgive yourself and others in order to “Let Go” of what bothers you. Although it doesn’t matter what your past was, what matters is where you are going. Make peace with your life. Shift your perception of the memories that trouble you by creating “New Memories” that have happy endings. Doing so will lighten your beautiful heart and bring peace to your mind.

Conversely, we all are really special, we all have something very unique to offer. Remind yourself that you are special, blessed, and fortunate because you are loved, loving, and loveable just because you were born and exist. Fully embrace the essence of how important you are, identify with yourself fully. You will be amazed at the well-being happiness, and peace that loving yourself will bring to you.

In contrast, continue to love yourself, love your life, and love your world. Although, self-love is accepting being true to oneself and it’s definitely not being egoistic in any form. Self-love is also staying focused on improving your life and realizing what is your calling here on earth. We are call called to do awesome things! God gave each of us a unique voice. Our voice matches our personality and it matches our destiny and calling. The other voices in the world want your attention. They want you to ignore your voice and listen to theirs.

God wants it to be the other way around. He wants you to silence the other voices of influence, so you can listen to him, and him alone. Once you have heard his loving voice, start listening to the voices of pain, hurt, loneliness, hopelessness, around you. His voice can bring so much peace, and truth to them. Choosing to listen to him is a priority that we constantly need to remind ourselves that he is our Father, the Prince of Peace who leads us in the right direction.

As a result, we need to dim the noise to listen to the Father who loves us DEARLY!

Merry Christmas from my family to yours,

Nishia 🎄❤